So, the summer has come, and all the girls are trying to fit into their new bathing suits. So what do I do?
Spam delicious dessert pics.
Spam delicious dessert pics.

My boyfriend's little sister introduced me to Swedish Princess Cake. She let me have one of her precious stash, and I fell in love. I eve have a phone background of this unusual dessert. It's ice cream+cake layers+jelly+lime green marzipan (I think). And it's deliciously cold, so it's perfect for summer.

She got hers from Ikea, and it looks exactly like the picture above. I had no idea they sold so much Swedish food! If all Swedish food is like this I may have to go there some day when I have money XD (laughs.........yeah right).
Thought I'd tag this post mori girl, too... can't you picture a mori girl in Ikea fawning over the Swedish goods? :3
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