Sorry for the lack of updates! I've started a new job, so I won't be able to post for a while (too tired). I'll start up when my schedule's more regular. Look forward to a feature with Angel Dolls Blog, from the UK, near the end of the month!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Coldplay - Life In Technicolor ii (HD)
I've been listening to Coldplay more and more! I used to think there was only 1 version of 'Life in Technicolor'... well, no more! I love this music video. These kinds of dolls/marionettes creep me out usually, so I was a little scared of the video at first, but the coolness factor overwhelmed me. And the little girl with the glasses is just adorable. So go watch and enjoy. :3 Even if you don't like Coldplay, I bet you'll be entertained.
This is totally related to this blog. xD They have the initials... CP. So yeah. That makes this legit.
Life in Technicolor ii,
music video
Shiny Fairy by Bluefairy
So, you know how I only like 1 tiny doll? (Volks Yo-SD Kanon)...

Well Bluefairy just went and shot me in the heart. XD I need a Shiny Fairy someday. I would absolutely die if they made a Shiny Fairy Olive... right now they have Hana (this one), May, and Benjamin.
Oh the tiny agony.
ball jointed doll,
Shiny Fairy,
Icchaeyo's Deviantart and Faceups I am, featuring yet another Shushu. What? Did you ask if she'd modified? Why yes, yes she is!! Just look at her beautiful slitted eyes!

And that faceup! So gorgeous! Whose doll could that be?
I answer, "Who else's? Icchaeyo's!"
I answer, "Who else's? Icchaeyo's!"
Yeah, sorry for the dumb little intro there. X3 To be honest, I'm always struck a little dumb by her masterful creations. She modified this Shushu by herself (as well as an open-eyed faceplate). Besides the Shushu, she has a gorgeous Unoa Lusis, a CP El and Woosoo, and she used to have a Domuya Fin.

^ Here's her gorgeous Woosoo!
She does her own faceup work and (as mentioned) modifications, and on top of all of it... just look at her gorgeous photography and illustration work!

I very much admire Icchaeyo. In fact, she is and always will be one of my favorite faceup artists/photographers. I am continually inspired by her and I absolutely adore her dolls. Her knack for muted colors, softer focus, sunlight-bleached environs and mysteriously beautiful figures always amazes me and I can't stop looking at it! Please go appreciate her gorgeous work at her Deviantart, Flickr and Blog.
EDIT: I used the word 'gorgeous' 3 times in this one little post. XD I really am losing it...
CP El,
CP Woosoo,
Unoa Lusis,
Viridian House. ball jointed doll
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Quick Pic
Just a quick picture of me holding Kumiho. I like how you can't see our entire faces in this picture!
ball jointed doll,
black and white,
Saturday, June 5, 2010
DenaliWind's Myliex (Yes, another Shushu feature)

I've just caught the Shushu bug, haven't I? In any case, this Shushu, as you can see, is particularly unique and therefore it justifies yet another Shushu feature. :3

This foresty little beauty is created by DenaliWind, and she has her own Livejournal 'The Daily Doll' where she posts more pictures of this doll (Myliex) and her other doll, Goat.

Her sensitive, natural photography and choice of simple, painting-like background to feature this unusual beauty marks her images as quality. The doll's concept and the execution of the concept is very clever, and those little circles on the faceup (by DenaliWind herself) really make the picture in my opinion.
ball jointed doll,
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Swedish Princess Cake

So, the summer has come, and all the girls are trying to fit into their new bathing suits. So what do I do?
Spam delicious dessert pics.
Spam delicious dessert pics.

My boyfriend's little sister introduced me to Swedish Princess Cake. She let me have one of her precious stash, and I fell in love. I eve have a phone background of this unusual dessert. It's ice cream+cake layers+jelly+lime green marzipan (I think). And it's deliciously cold, so it's perfect for summer.

She got hers from Ikea, and it looks exactly like the picture above. I had no idea they sold so much Swedish food! If all Swedish food is like this I may have to go there some day when I have money XD (laughs.........yeah right).
Thought I'd tag this post mori girl, too... can't you picture a mori girl in Ikea fawning over the Swedish goods? :3
mori girl,
princess cake,
summer food,
Agrith's Deviantart

Agrith seems to be an up-and-coming photographer, with touching little themed photos such as these featuring her Bluefairy Olive. Her penchant for dead-on focus choice and her clever use of simple props definitely highlights an acute artistic sense and love for the characters of her dolls.

Apart from her adorable Olive (first I've seen with a non-default faceup that I really love!) she also has a DZ Felian, a MNF Lishe. She's also taken some quite charming pictures of the Zaoll Luv that was lent to her by a friend for a photoshoot. I think that the pictures featuring her Olive are the most compositionally awesome of the bunch, which is why they're the feature here, but the photos of the other dolls are by no means ugly! Be warned, her gallery is NSFW.
Go give her some love. :3 A lot of work goes into her shoots!
ball jointed doll,
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Spongebob, Lady Gaga and Captain Ardi

I just wanted to share with you the most awesome representation of Spongebob and Gary... ever. You can find more by CaptainArdi on her Deviantart.

She does really wonderful paintings of various people, like Lady Gaga here, and has her own webcomic as well! Please give her DA a visit, she's really wonderful! O__O
lady gaga,
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